1. My baby brother was getting married!
2. I was getting to photograph it!
The wedding day started perfectly. Natalie was a photographer's dream: relaxed, cracking jokes, letting me get right up in her face with no make-up... (<3 you!) There was a bit of rain right around the time we were ready to do the bridal shots. Natalie was a trooper and let us keep her outside when the sprinklets started to fall. It passed through quick enough, turning into a blessing in disguise because it cooled things down a bit. I know Natalie was happy about that because, well, being outside too long in a wedding dress in June is never easy.
Where were the guys during all of this? Running around taking care of last minute business. They even drove to the reception site to drop off Alan's car so it would be ready and waiting. The girls told them to make sure and honk their horn when they were close to the church so we would know to get Natalie hidden away. Soon we heard this really loud "HOOOOOOONNNNNK!!!!" And it got louder as it got closer. It was hilarious. I swear they sat on that horn for a good thirty seconds if not longer. Good job boys. You did well. :) We took the guys outside for their shots and then it was time to tuck everyone away to get ready for the main event!
The ceremony went so smoothly. Natalie looked beautiful and was beaming as she walked through the doors and headed down the isle. Alan had a pretty big smile on his face too. ;) They both looked so happy as they exchanged their vows and placed the rings on each other's fingers. There were definitely some pretty proud mamas and papas in the crowd. After the "you may kiss the bride!" everyone clapped and cheered.
There was a limo waiting to take them to the reception. Lucky me, I got to ride with them! The trip was so much fun that it was hard to keep from snapping pictures every second. Once we got there, we stole Natalie and Alan to grab some newlywed shots. The Flatwater Grill in Oak Ridge has a really nice setting with a picturesque view (ha) and the light was perfect.
The reception was a LOT of fun. The food was fantastic and people were dancing the whole time. When it was time to leave, everyone lit up sparklers and Alan and Natalie ran through... about three different times. :)
Dr. and Mrs. Knauth: We are so happy for you two! We had a ridiculously good time and loved documenting every second. Congratulations, kids. We love you!